Editorial Board: Godfrey Kanyenze and Edmore Mahembe
Editorial Management: Weaver Press
The journal covers both microeconomics and macroeconomics, and all known branches of economics such: econometrics, economic history and development, monetary, international, industrial, behavioral, business, environmental, energy, public, labour, health, social, mathematical, and resource economics.
The editors welcome original contributions. By submission of a manuscript, an author certifies that the work is original and is not being considered simultaneously by another publisher. In order to safeguard authors’ rights, the copyright of all material published is vested in the Zimbabwe Journal of Economics (ZJE).
Submissions should be sent by e-mail attachment (ideally as a Word file) to zje.editor@gmail.com. All submissions will be acknowledged on receipt, and will be refereed if they fall within our remit. Only those receiving favourable recommendation will be accepted for publication.
Read full set of guidelines here.